
Dehydrated skin

This  is  one of the characteristics  of the skin. When skin becomes dry, and devoid of moisture, and  becomes dull, it  is defined as dehydrated skin. In dehydrated skin, water content diminishes both inside and outside, cells shrink and become dry.

The causes are —

  • When we have high fever we have loss of fluid through sweating
  • Ongoing medication , drastic dieting, dry weather, working in an environment of low humidity, high pollution and working in an air conditioned environment  for longer time, eventually causes the problem of dehydrated skin.

When the skin gets dehydrated, it develops  superficial flaking, and  a fine orange-peel effect with a rough and uneven texture.  Superficial lines appear  on the skin and broken capillaries are common.


Hydrated skin not only offers protection but also clears  toxins  through sweating. Drink lots of water, fruit juice and coconut water. Water helps to  transfer the nutrients to the skin. Regular application of  moisturizer all over the face and body also helps to soften the skin. Only hydration is the key to healthy glowing skin.

image fruits




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